NAPCA Programs and Special Projects
Diverse Elders Coalition
As a member of the Diverse Elders Coalition, we are strengthening policies and programs to enhance the health and well-being of diverse elders, educating and connecting diverse older adults and their loved ones to key policy debates on aging, and increasing public support for issues that affect our communities.
Preventing Elder Abuse within AAPI Communities
There is a growing belief that the prevalence and severity of elder mistreatment within AAPI communities and immigrant populations are higher than previously suspected. Despite high vulnerability, AAPI older adults continue to face disparities in seeking and accepting help from mainstream elder abuse systems.
Thanks to the Robert Chinn Foundation, together with the National Center on Elder Abuse, we will develop culturally and linguistically appropriate educational materials to prevent psychological abuse and neglect in Chinese, Samoan, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Tagalog populations, and provide technical assistance to professionals.
National Consortium on Aging Resources for Senior’s Equity
Through a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, NAPCA established the National Resource Center for AAPI Aging, which provides technical assistance to aging organizations on elder justice, dementia, family caregiving, and long-term services and supports.
NAPCA’s goal is to increase the Aging Network’s capabilities to reach and serve AAPI older adults and their family caregivers nationwide.
Increasing the Capacity of Family Caregiver Interventions
Among other challenges, AAPI caregivers face grave disparities in accessing evidence-based programs and interventions due to cultural barriers and high rates of limited English proficiency.
Thanks to the City of Seattle, together with Tailored Care Enterprise, LLC, we will evaluate the readiness of Seattle’s Korean and Vietnamese caregivers for Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral, an evidence-based care management process.
Building the Capacity of Older Adults Through Job Coaching
As the population of older adults grows exponentially in the next few decades, more of them will be looking to stay employed or reenter the labor force. However, many barriers exist to accessing stable quality jobs, especially for those with limited English proficiency and limited computer literacy.
Through job coaching, NAPCA is building the capacity of older adults to confidently and successfully engage in the job application and interview process. We have developed an age-friendly and culturally competent curriculum that we are currently piloting with our job coaching. Stay tuned for how to access this tool, for we have hopes of it in the near future to our wide network of community partners.
Mature Workforce Direct Hire
The mature workforce is a growing market. By partnering with companies who see the value of a mature workforce, NAPCA is connecting motivated older adults who participate in our Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) to direct opportunities for permanent employment.
Mature Workforce Pipeline
The value that older adults bring to the workforce is significant. Lower turnover raters, higher employee engagement, and greater professionalism – a mature workforce contributes significantly to strengthening and vitalizing local and national economies.
NAPCA is partnering up with companies invested in building the economic security of older adults. Through a job pipeline, we collaboratively work with companies to ensure highly motivated and skilled mature workers from our Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) are ready to enter the company’s labor force for permanent employment.